The Happiness Guarantee  
Here at Mirror Mirror, we’re committed to delivering a great customer experience for all our customers. This means guaranteeing quality products with great shipping speeds and outstanding customer care every step of the way. It’s the same philosophy we’ve applied for the past 10 years. After years of operating in the E-commerce industry we understand that even though we provide product close-ups, size guides etc, no matter how much we help customers visualize our products, we realize that online shopping will always carry a certain amount of confusion for consumers as you can't touch, feel, and try on the products you’re buying beforehand.
Your Mirror Mirror online shopping experience is protected by our Happiness Guarantee.
We aim to make you happy and gain your long-term loyalty. If you’re unsatisfied for any reason with our online shopping experience please let us know. If you're not satisfied with a product received you can return the product back to us within 7 days of receipt and we will issue an exchange for you. We will make it right by you, whatever it takes.
Our Product Guarantee
All our products are directly sourced from well experienced and reputed manufacturers that we have carefully vetted during our 10 years of operations at Mirror Mirror to ensure the best quality for our customers.
All our products are competitively priced to ensure that our customers get the best value for their money. Our mission is to make Good Quality fashion affordable.
Our Delivery Guarantee
We have partnered with reliable logistics providers to ensure speedy delivery of our products to our customers around the world.
If you don’t receive the right items, we’ll cover the cost of shipping the products back to us and send you the correct item at no charge.
If your package was damaged during shipping, contact us within 7 days from the date of receipt and we’ll work with you to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
If you need to cancel an order before it ships, we’ll reimburse the full amount right away. If your order has already been shipped, we’ll issue the refund as soon as we receive the items back from you and process them at our warehouse.
 Our Customer Service Guarantee
Our customer support team is always ready to assist all our customers to ensure a seamless online shopping experience across all our channels.
We at Mirror Mirror embrace "Me-Commerce" to deliver a personalized online shopping experience to our customers with the use of Social Media channels and our customer support team is readily available to assist you throughout your entire online shopping experience with Mirror Mirror.
This is our Happiness Guarantee to our Customers
 We hope you enjoy your online Shopping experience with Mirror Mirror
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